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Summary of Research Projects Supported By DeKUT Research Grants

Year 2011/2012

Research Project TitleName of Researcher
An assessment of the diffusion of sustainable energy technology innovations among food processing enterprises in KenyaDavid Magu
Ecological and Social Economic implications of the Aberdare Ecosystem FenceDr. Fredrick Waweru
Exam management systemEphantus Kinyanjui
To design and develop Solar powered birds eggs incubator boxNdungu Njoroge
Enhancing  cultural and lake tourism at Abasuba Rock Art Site, Lwanda Rombo Community Fishing Center and Kit MikayiAsborn Misiko
Fabrication of a mini biodigesterPeter Ngugi K
Green roof and solar wall technologiesPatrick Kimari
Determination of complete mineral content of Mbeu iron deposit and extractionProf. Gerald Muthakia

Year 2012/2013

Research Project TitleName of Researcher
Investigation and industrial implementation of laser assisted meta-plastic (LAMP) joiningAlphonse Niyibizi
Supporting digital villages and SMEs through provision and support of their functions by the use of free software (open source)Patrick Naivasha
Factors favouring nurturing of innovations in technological institutions in Nyeri CountyFr. Donatus Mathenge
Mapping of water resources in Nyeri CountySimon Mdodo
Evaluation of the performance of various investment strategies when applied in the Nairobi Stock ExchangeJames Ndegwa

Year 2013/2014

Research Project TitleName of Researcher
A retrospective study on causes of still births at Nyeri Provincial General HospitalCheptum Joyce Jebet