Technology Management | DeHUB  | DeKUT-TISC  | Technology Transfer Office

The DeKUT- Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) was established in 2019. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) supports its establishment and development.

Services offered by the DeKUT- Technology and Innovation Support Center include:

  1. Support IP creations by facilitating access to global science and technology information, and in this regard, it shall:
    1. Serve as a patent search facility and library for patent information;
    2. Provide skills training in patent searching;
    3. Render patent search services; and
    4. Organize a community of patent information users.
  2. Support IP protection by promoting domestic and globally-competitive innovations, and in this regard, it shall:
    1. Provide general information on patents and patenting;
    2. Provide skills training in patent drafting and prosecution; and
    3. Render patent drafting and prosecution services;
  3. Support IP utilization by assisting in the commercialization of globally competitive innovations, and in this regard, it shall:
    1. Render IP audit and evaluation services;
    2. Provide licensing support services;
    3. Provide advice on IP management and commercialization strategies; and
    4. Be a depositary of patent-related documents, papers and statistics.

The following is a list of DedanKimathi University of Technology patents:

  1. Production of concentrated Arabica Coffee extracts for flavouring yoghurt using modified processing techniques.
  2. GPS-based vehicle speed limiter


Dr. Moses A Ollengo PhD, PrChemSA,
Director, Research, Innovation Management and Community Linkages,
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology,
Private Bag, Nyeri, Kenya.
Cell: +254716 568 099
ORCiD: 0000-0002-8649-0578


The DeKUT- Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) is currently housed by RIMCL, the Research Division of Dedan Kimathi University of Technology,  Nyeri County, which is approximately 160 km from Nairobi.