Collaboration | Collaborations  | Community Linkages

The University envisages her key role in the society as being to identify and solve technological problems facing the society and transferring innovative работа в москве technologies to the society for national development. In advancing this, DeKUT had entered in to the following MOUs both nationally and internationally with the various likeminded partners. During the 2012-2018, the some of the affiliations and linkages entered into by the University include: 

a) With institutions offering research and academic programme support which include:

  • Ministry of Medical Services/ Ministry of Health with major achievement being Provision of attachment places for nursing students at various hospitals.
  • Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) with major achievement being Projects road map developed for energy project. Joint projects  institutional coordinators identified.
  • County government of Nyeri which realized formation of Investors forum held at DeKUT, Participation in each other’s activities. Collaboration committee formed.
  • National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA); a collaboration that led to the realization of a Regional Center of Expertise (RCE – 2014) – covering Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang’a and Nyandarua Counties. RCE Central Kenya seeks to address the sustainable development challenges identified within the region by facilitating multi-sectoral research and development, protecting the eco-systems, building the capacity of local communities in natural resource management, providing a platform for shared learning on sustainable development and building sustainable livelihoods for the local communities.
  • Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA). Muranga Sub regional office for Central Kenya. The achievement has been election of community representatives to the WRUA done. Management documents such as by-laws for the WRUA done and registration documents submitted.
  • Numerical Machining Complex (NMC) which has culminated into a road map for the Mortar project developed and research team formed. Currently. NMC cooperating in development of Wind Energy project. Joint projects management committee formed.
  • Geothermal Development Corporation (GDC) which has culminated into a joint curriculum development. Courses for Post graduate Diploma in Geothermal Technology and MSc. in Geothermal Technology on going. Post graduate course started with enrollment of staff of GDC and Ken Gen.
  • Coffee Research Institute –formerly Coffee Research Foundation (CRF) through which the University was awarded grant for financial support for expansion of DeKUT coffee tree nursery and coffee seedling production in the 2014/2015 financial year for 18 months.
  • Kenya Forestry Research Institute that led to Project thematic areas identified as; establishment of a botanical garden at DeKUT, medicinal trees, big data research, and research on bamboo products value addition by IFBT, establishment of tree gene banks, Biodiesel research, Materials, biomass energy.
  • National Museums of Kenya that has realized Biodiversity assessment of DeKUT Conservancy that was carried out in early 2013.
  • Kenya Leather Development council(KLDC) that has participated in BSc. Leather curriculum development and short courses syllabus development.
  • Higher Education Loans Board(HELB) that has continued to disburse loans to students.
  • National Construction Authority that provided avenue for DeKUT staff appointed as member of national task force for developing curriculum for training of construction worker-Dr. N. Mburu, COD Civil Engineering.

 b) With universities and colleges in Kenya (Higher Education Institutions). Some of these include :

  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology that culminated into Research thematic areas identified and academic qualification research projects are ongoing.
  • Chuka University that realized Research thematic areas to be identified and stakeholders workshop held.
  • Meru University  of Science and Technology that realized Research thematic areas to be identified and stakeholders workshop held.
  • Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) that culminated into Participation in policy development of NIST for upward growth.
  • Recently the University has gone into collaboration with all universities around mt. region; Karatina University, Meru University, Laikipia University, Embu University and Muranga University.

 c) In Technology Transfer With Industry, Businesses And Community Groups

  • Kenya Tourism Board where one staff participated in the Magical Kenya Travel expo in October 2014 at the Kenya International Conference Center, Nairobi.
  • Ministry of Public Works that places students on attachment.
  • Mt. Kenya Tourism Circuit Association with various ongoing collaborations.
  • Tana Water Services Board which is an active collaboration.
  • Njengu –Nyaribo Community -DeKUT continues to receive water supply from the Njengu-Nyaribo project Health promotion and prevention within the dispensary catchment.
  • Muringato WRUA culminating in establishment of the WRUA, Developing by-laws and project implementation.
  • Safaricom Ltd, Nairobi with several ongoing activities.
  • Kenya National Police Service with several ongoing activities.
  • Alisam Product Development & Design signed in 2018 to further research in Leather Technology.
  • Aquatreat Solutions Ltd signed in 2018 for technology transfer.

d) With Grant Institutions/Funding Agencies

  • African Development Bank that has provided DeKUT with equipment support. Equipment were delivered and installed in the departments of the School of Engineering. Second proposal sent to Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on 28th January, 2016 seeking funding for training of TVET trainers.
  • Coffee Development Fund that realized a proposal to be developed for Financing DeKUT Coffee farm. CoDF gave DeKUT a loan for Coffee development in the University farm.CoDF supported the holding of a coffee conference for the youth at DeKUT.
  • African Wildlife Fund that culminated in the Coffee quality laboratory being established.

e) International Level; Universities and Research Institutions

  • Technical University of Applied Sciences (TUAS), Wildau, Germany – a collaboration that culminated into development of a Joint Masters in Advanced Manufacturing; A proposal for establishment of Wind Energy Institute; Initiation of Research areas in Wood materials and Coffee value addition; an Academic exchange program.
  • Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Institute for Automotive Technology. Realized: an academic team of 3 post graduate students and Research supervisor visited DeKUT in the first week of February 2014 and carried out a fact finding tour in Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Embu counties to get insight on the transport problems of communities in those counties. An MoU was signed to support active collaborations, allow exchange of staff and for transfer of technology & skills.
  • College of the Rockies (COTR) that realized Joint project on Health; MAISHA project currently ongoing,. Training of Community Health Extension workers (CHEW) completed  in Nyeri and Migori  counties.
  • University of Leuven, Belgium Leuven is supporting Geothermal training through provision of staff periodically.
  • GIFU University- Japan Visit to Gifu University by DeKUT Vice Chancellor Staff on training at Gifu.
  • Addis Ababa Institute of Technology(AAiT), Ethiopia that has culminated into Staff from AaiT coming  for short stay and academic exchange at DeKUT.
  • University of Paris 8-France that has provided for one staff of DeKUT currently undergoing sandwich PhD training at the University and DeKUT.
  • National Tsing Hua University- Taiwan Students from Taiwan have come for a two day academic tour of DeKUT. A staff in IFBT nominated to undertake an exchange program starting Feb.2017. Taiwan and DeKUT students collaborated in installing LAN in a secondary school in Othaya, Nyeri.
  • The Korean National Police University, Korea -Visit by DeKUT Vice chancellor and staff to the University in Korea in late 2015. Training of our students in Criminology, Forensics and Security Management.
  • Vaal University, South Africa -A staff at Vaal University was a speaker in the first DeKUT STI conference in 2014.
  • Department of Geosciences, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France- A Staff Dr. Keroboto went on an exchange programme in France.
  • COMESA-Leather and Leather Products Institute(COMESA-LLPI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A visit to DeKUT by Prof. Haile Mariam from the LLPI, Addis Ababa to DeKUT on 7th-9th November, 2014. Participation in Curriculum review.
  • Just Fair- Denmark has been involved in sponsorships in the short courses offered in Coffee technology for Coffee cooperatives in Nyeri.
  • Busitema University in Uganda signed in 2018 for knowledge transfer in GETRI.

f) Affiliation With International Associations

DeKUT has registered membership with various influential international organizations in Africa and in the region. These international organizations have various contributions to their members as follows:

  • Inter-University Council of East Africa

DeKUT was admitted as a member with effect 6th October, 2015.  The Council has various benefits for its members including access to research funding, Capacity building programmes, sponsorships to attend seminars and workshops, scholarships for students in member countries, staff Exchange programmes, student exchange programmes and convening of forums/exhibitions. DeKUT has benefited from this Council in the form of sponsorship to attend regional forums.

  • Association of African Universities

DeKUT was admitted as a member with effect 1st December, 2015.   The Association has various benefits for its members including participation in workshops and conferences, access to information and documentation on African universities, participation in AAU staff exchanges and scholarship programmes, listing in AAU directory of higher education institutions, serve as short-term consultant and resource person, receive AAU publications.